Admin Guide

Extended Properties Reference

dataType: valid values are: string, date, number. Note: this maps to our DotNet IXDataFormatter interfaces classes. As such, developers can write their own formatters and plug them in if desired.

dataFormat: any valid .NET format mask for that associated data type. See the References on the Format Mask worksheet, or consult the .NET documentation for valid date, number, and string format masks.

The following masks are special masks for "string" that can be used for additional formatting.
lowercase - convert to lowercase
uppercase - convert to uppercase
titlecase - capitalize the first character of each word.
Padleft - pad left with the specified char. E.g. to pad to 10 chars with an *: padleft:10:*
padright – pad right with the specified char.E.g. padright:10:*

The following masks are special masks for “string” that can be used to cleanse / remove unwanted characters:
alpha - removes all characters except a-z
numeric – removes all characters except 0-9
alphanumeric - removes all characters except a-z and 0-9
regexcleanse – removes all characters matched by the expression. E.g.: regexcleanse [^1-5a-3]

Note: multiple masks can be applied to a single token by combining the masks with a comma. E.g.:


dataMaxLen: maximum length allowed after formatting and mapped values are applied. The result value will be truncated to this length if it is greater.

mappedValues: allows remapping of values to another value. Sort of like a "list" name/value pair. The first character in this entry should be the split character. For example, given the following setting for mappedValues:

If the value of the token was "1", then the output would be "tif".