Admin Guide

HTTP Server Service

This section defines the integration control and security settings for the Server Service of the XDOC API. These settings would come into play when the integration with an LOS happens remotely via HTTP services, instead of a direct database connection.

HTTP Services Access Control - These settings identify the type of security to be used 


Field Value
API Enabled Defines whether the API services are enabled
Allow Local Testing Turns on local testing for test purposes
Security Context Defines the security context for the integration
Require Security Token Yes/No value – This should always be set to "yes" for any production environment
Security Token Expire Time (sec) The timeout, in seconds, for the security token
Security Token App Key(s) Enter the value(s) for any App Keys
Remote IP ACL List Additional security for remote Access Control Lists.

HTTP Services Token Encryption – Defines the encryption for the tokens above. Configuration of these options may require assistance from Axacore Customer Support. HTTP Services Token Encryption

Field Value
Encryption Class Currently there is only one choice from the dropdown, AES
Encryption Key Enter the Encryption Key, if any
Key Size (Bits) Choose the appropriate key size from the dropdown
Cipher Mode Choose the appropriate cipher mode from the dropdown
Padding Mode Choose the appropriate padding mode from the dropdown
Init Vector Please contact Axacore Customer Support for assistance on this