Admin Guide

Email Templates

Email templates define the subject and message of the email you want to send. They are created separately from the Email Notification templates in the System Tab>System Resources section of XDOC. The list of Email Templates you create will be listed as in the grid below. The XDOC_QMSG_Token_Test template contains a list of tokens you can use to add XDOC or LOS data into the template.

Quick Message Configuration

To add a new template click CREATE - the following window will appear. Fields in bold are required.

Field Description
Name The name of the template
Visibility Set to "Public" to make it active or "Disabled" to make it inactive
Description An added description of the template, if needed
Usage Flags Always set to "quick messages" for now
Email Subject The subject line for email you will be sending
Body Format Choose html or text
Body Data The body of the email. If you wish to have an HTML formatted emil, you must use HTML formatting language when creating the message. See the Loan Document Arrival template in System Tab>System Resources>Email Templates for an example. You can also use that same template as an example of how ot use tokens.